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When thinking about affiliate marketing, you cannot not-think about how it may change your life, if you’re successful, of course. Unfortunately, most beginners fail, because affiliate business, like any business, has certain rules that you must know to succeed. The MAP (Master Affiliate Profits System) was born from this exact idea.
Of course, there’s a bonus waiting for you when you join MAP. Check the details on MAP bonus HERE.
The creators behind Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) are none other than John Thornhill and Omar Martin, both well known in affiliate marketing business circles.
John Thornhill has been the Platinum Clickbank seller for many years in a row now (this means sales in excess of $250k in a year) and is a popular author of many trainings and software titles. He’s been in marketing for over 18 years and has accumulated wast knowledge of the system.
Omar and Melinda Martin on the other hand are among the top 3% of sellers on JVZoo, which is another popular (and huge) affiliate platform. He’s the owner of the Unfair Advantage trademark and has also published numerous successful trainings and software titles.
According to “the legend”, they sat together one day during 2023 and came to an idea to create a system that would give unexperienced marketers tools and knowledge to finally make it online. Shortly after that, the Master Affiliate Profits or MAP has been born.
The Master Affiliate Profits system has been in development for over a year now. At the end of 2023, it was first introduced to a selected group of followers of both John and Omar as MAP Phase #1. While it was very limited at the time (mostly the presentation of the idea), they offered an option to 200 affiliates to join as backers and the response, as they say, was awesome. What happened is they sold these 200 licences within the first webinar they did, and before Omar could turn the salespage off, another 3 affiliates managed to squeeze in. So, 203 people backed up the MAP in Phase #1 already.
Just a few days ago, the’ve opened the doors again, and this time they’ve included their existing customer base – me included – with Master Affiliate Profits Phase #2 news.
What’s different in Master Affiliate Profits Phase #2 is the following:
Watching the webinar, I’ll admit that at first I was quite confused. Why, say you?
The Master Affiliate Profits system or MAP is actually an eco-system where affiliates live. Imagine a selected group of affiliates (whoever buys it right now) having access to powerful training, software tools and even direct access to both of these guys. They are masters of affiliate marketing, so be sure this is not a small thing.
So, I have watched the video again, and again, and then it suddenly clicked – hey, I need this. I’ve been playing around affiliate marketing for some time now, and while I’ve made a few thousand on JVZoo and Clickbank, it’s never been my priority, really. I’m also doing other stuff, software and services, so it just never came to be the #1.
But honestly, why not? Affiliate marketing is a business like any other, except for one thing – you actually don’t need to create any products. So, it’s actually the fastest possible way to earn something on the side.
But hey, if it’s a business like any other, don’t you need some skills?
Oh, yes. And lots of them, sometimes. Mostly what you need are some marketing skills, and of course some experience building landing pages and funnels. The most important thing, though, is traffic. You simply have to know how to drive traffic, otherwise your business is as good as dead.
And this is what Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) is all about. Learning from two guys that have made it, that’s the way. Instead of inventing hot water, everything is there for you. You just need determination and some time, of course. And I’ve decided I have both.
So, I’ve ended up buying the Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) Premium level access. Here’s the landing page section with the must-see video immediately upon logging in.
Then, I went through the products included in the Premium level that I’ve bought.
The opening page shows the trainings available inside Master Affiliate Profits dashboard, plus additional systems. These include
Combined, these trainings and software sell for well over $1,500. So – provided you’re into training, because you’re determined to do something online, the fee already makes sense.
Tomorrow, I’ll reserve the first few hours and dig into the trainings. I’ll see what’s my first pick, but I reckon I’ll start with the Master Affiliate Profits Traffic methods training. Because, like I’ve said, no matter how good your landing pages are, without traffic they’re worth nothing.
I will post about my second day experience tomorrow, so come back for more.
I’ve dug myself in training these past few weeks, and it’s really a huge base inside tha MAP membership. Still going through…
What’s new is that the official launch dates have been revealed, and it’s set to April 30th at Noon ET. At that time, the one-time deal for Premium Backers will go away for good, replaced by a $97/month membership, which is significantly more expensive in a few months time. If you haven’t yet checked what MAP (and the Premium level membership before all) is all about, I recommend doing it asap. You just might be too late.
Of course, you’re invited to see the demo video I’ve mentioned above for yourself. Maybe you’ll understand what I meant when I said I was confused first. There’s just too much to comprehend at once. But don’t give up, watch it the second time, and skip to the timepoints that interest you the most.
Till tomorrow.
I have prepared a list of MAP bonuses that you will receive upon joining the Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) system. Check them out here.
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