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I bet my left arm that noone will say NO to this question. It’s logical. The problem is that many marketers simply don’t have either the knowledge or the time to do this regularly. Or, they don’t have a handy tool that would make it all possible more or less automatically. At the end of the day, knowing how to increase conversions is a very important question.
Imagine having a simple landing page, with an optin form and a giveaway that you have prepared. Its obvious “reason to live” is to get subscribers opt in to your email list. You want as many subscribers as possible, and for the lowest cost possible. If you’re driving traffic using paid traffic, such as Facebook ads, it’s even more important that you do it right. If the conversions are too low, your advertising costs will go through the roof. Sooner or later you will abandon the system, having spent way too much for way too litle profit.
So, a subscriber opting in to your list is counted as a conversion in this case.
The other example is a sales page, either for a software tool or a physical product. Here, a conversion happens when the order is confirmed and paid.
You might have a webinar prepared and want people to register. Again, registration is counted as a conversion, because you’ve convinced someone to opt in and join your webinar.
There are many things that are iportant when it comes to improving your conversions. Starting with the obvious – an interesting offer. But we won’t deal with this here, because it’s a whole other problem. Instead, I’ll just assume you know your audience well enough to know what might be of interest for them.
The simplest ways to improve conversions for a good offer can be summed down to two things: having a nice looking landing page and attractive-enough texts. These are two things that can really affect our life as an entrepreneur, so to speak, because they affect the earnings either directly (sales) or indirectly (opt-ins).
Let’s quickly look at both of these options.
This, for sure, is the first thing a visitor notices. If your website is out of style, outdated or simply ugly, you have a much lower chance of a conversion happening. Of course, it’s not all about the looks – if the content is interesting enough, you’ll have your loyal audience for sure. But still, even they will notice the ugly texts or non-matching colors and so on.
You might say this very website can be a sample for that. We never took much care for the looks, but we try to make the content interesting enough to attract the interested visitors. You landed here because you found something interesting, right? It’s about to change though, because a never version is already under construction. No matter the content, it has to look better.
Creating a beautiful website is not easy though. If you’re not a professional designer, it’s likely you’ll make mistakes and the end result will be nowhere near as attractive as you planned it to be. I know, I’ve tried many times.
Having a good tool that makes these problems manageable is essential if you don’t have the budget for a professional designer. Let’s be honest, most of us don’t have this kind of money at hand – it can easily go into thousands. So, like I said, a proper tool can save your day and increase the needed conversions drastically.
The elements that will make your website look good are many. The right backgrounds, illustrations, images, even animations. They all can increase conversions and make your life so much easier. But how to create all these if you’re not a pro designer? Canva, a popular online tool, can do some of the things and I’ve used it personally for years. But you’ll quickly find out that some more sofisticated functionalities are hidden behind a pay wall. Which means Canva becomes a paid tool, and the costs go up, making it not-so-interesting anymore.
The other tool-of-craft has always been Photoshop. It’s a very powerful tool, but it also costs lots of money. Plus, being a professional tool, it has a rather steep learning curve. Again, not for me.
One of the tools that became available recently is called ClickDesigns. Compared to Canva, it has several mayor advantages. We’ll not go into details here, let’s just look at this comparison table. It lists some functionalities that ClickDesigns has compared to Canva and Photoshop, and the costs of it.
If you’d like to know more about ClickDesigns, take a look at the demo and BONUS we prepared.
The second thing you notice on a page – any page – is the headline. Many people only read the headline, and if it’s not interesting enough in that very moment, they leave the page immediately. They never even see what gold nuggets are hidden in the text below. It’s what Internet taught us to do, because of so many infos available daily.
Your headline must be a prime text that will draw attention.
Easy enough, I hear you say. But how in the world will you know what is interesting enough?!?
The old truth that any seasoned marketer will tell you is to test your campaigns. Because only when you count the conversions, you’ll know for sure which headline is better. And how to increase your conversions by using only the best versions of your landing pages.
In the old days, when billboards were a thing, it was hard. One could only sample the conversions via the data collected in a form of an interview, asking people where they have heard of the offer. Today, when software knows all your habits, it’s much easier. All you have to do is check how many times people click certain buttons and hey, you have a winner campaign in no time. But is it really so easy…?
Working on internet marketing for some years now, I’ve tried this many times. Unfortunately, it turned out that following all these data, even if you find a way to collect it, is a royal pain. I have a number of spreadsheets containing click data from campaigns. And when you have a spreadsheet, you have to analize it. And decide. And do it again. And again.
The result is obvious – you stop doing it sooner or later, because it simply consumes too much time and nervs. You start trusting your guts and leaving the campaigns as they were created. And nothing could be more costly that that, I tell you. Having a campaign that earns $100 per month instead of $200 is a small difference. But having 100 campaigns that do the same is already something, don’t you think? With practically no extra work to get more traffic, without more expenses for advertising, the difference from the above example is already $10k per month. Hey.
What testing is all about is having two (or more) versions of the landing page that differ in subtle things like headlines, colors, maybe CTA buttons and texts. The most important thing is to have a tool that will let you measure the conversions automatically. Possibly even decide which version is converting better and only use this version from a certain point in time.
It’s easily possible with powerful page and funnel builders like ClickFunnels, Convertri or FunnelVio. But these tools are not free and can be very expensive. Why not use a free system, like WordPress, and achieve the same?
It’s also possible, of course, using tools like ClickMagick and similar. It’s a great tool, by the way, but again it can cost you hundreds per month.
Recently, I’ve come across a piece of software called Split Test Monkey. I confess, I’ve decided the moment I saw it. It’s a simple solution that does just about everything a marketer with a limited budget needs, and much more.
It lets you do two types of tests – a standard A/B test, using up to 6 different landing pages, and something they call dynamic testing. This lets you test a simple widget on a single page. For instance, you could test an image with a link that you place in the sidebar on your website.
It lets you define your own set of conditions and when those are met, it picks the winning version and only shows this one from then on. So all the visitors after that will only see the better version. Of course, you can further optimize by creating new test versions, until you’re satisfied. This is nothing short of incredible way to do it if you want to increase your conversions.
As a result, your conversion rates can easily be improved X-times.
I’m planning a more detailed review soon, but you can check the complete demo from the link below. I think you will love it.
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