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WARNING: upgrading from Elite to Pro later might be possible, but may require a totally new account to be registered. This means that you could lose any and all campaigns already created in your existing Elite account.
If you’re serious about getting your business running at the best possible pace, we suggest you upgrade right now.
We will provide you with 10 original articles* in ANY NICHE you want.
These will be writen specifically for you, based on the “seed” you provide. Google will love you for that.
A $250 value.
We will send 300 visitors** to any page you specify.
You can use Adplify Pro to retarget these visitors later, and you’re almost certain to get some business running.
A $225 value.
If you still want these bonuses, go back (use the Back button in your browser) and purchase the full version.
There’s no doubt that you have seen vendors charging huge amounts for products that do just one of the features of AdPlify. Maybe you have even invested in one.
If you don’t get AdPlify today, you would have to pay 7 times over and log-in and log-out all day into different SAAS products to get access to all Adplify features.
Commercial And Agency Rights Included
$800 in upgrades + $475 in bonuses = $1,275 $800 value
Watch up to 50 Competitors
Target Up to 50 Pages
Connect Up To 100 Lists
Behavioral targeting for 50 pages
Do UNLIMITED audience searches per day
Calculate RoI for UNLIMITED campaigns daily
Please note: upgrading from Elite to Pro later might be possible, but may require a totally new account to be registered. This means that you could lose any and all campaigns already created in your existing Elite account.
If you’re serious about getting your business running at the best possible pace, we suggest you upgrade right now.
We know making up your mind can be tough, especially with a new technology that you haven’t experienced before. But since we really want you to see the advantages first-hand, we are prepared to bear the risk.
When you buy Adplify Pro today, you’ll have full 7 days to test everything. If you don’t like what it does for your business, you just send us a support request at support(@)vplsoft.com, and you’ll get your investment refunded.
Please note: refunding may mean we will have to create a new Elite account for you, depending on the status, which means a completely new Elite account will be created for you. If this happens, we will leave the original account available for 3 days before deleting, in order for you to be able to duplicate any campaigns you might have created in that time.
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This site is not endorsed by Google or Facebook in any way. Facebook is a Trademark of Facebook inc.
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent the product(s) sold through this website as well as their potential. Any claims made or examples given are believed to be accurate, however, should not be relied on in any way in making a decision whether or not to purchase. Any testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation as well as other factors not always known and sometimes beyond control. There is no guarantee you will duplicate the results stated here. You recognize any business endeavor has inherent risk for loss of capital. We cannot force you to take action, therefore we cannot promise you success. We do NOT believe in get rich quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and dedication to reach your goals. It’s a fact that one that does not take action will see no results whatsoever. We don’t make any guarantees about your own results because we don’t know you and any results are strictly based on your decisions. Please check the content thoroughly and decide that you are commited to taking action. If not then please leave this page and do not purchase.
This product does not guarantee income or success, and examples of the product owner’s and other person’s results do not represent an indication of future success or earnings.
Notice: this site is not a part of Google, the Facebook Website, or Facebook Inc.. This site is not endorsed by Google or Facebook in any way. Facebook is a Trademark of Facebook inc.
This product does not guarantee income or success, and examples of the product owner’s and other person’s results do not represent an indication of future success or earnings. It is always dependant on your own action and work you're willing to do.